
Showing posts from October, 2018

Insta Witch Hat -free crochet pattern-

Yes, I know, I know.... I haven't been posting here much as of the past year! Honestly, I just haven't had the time, or the time to even crochet (gasp!) I am working full time as an assistant market manager for a well known paint company, and.... for myself- always the entrepreneur- as owner, maker, mixer, marketer, manager, shipper, et etc etc for my nail polish company, Atlantic Elixir . I am going to shamelessly plug my own business here... these photos for the Insta Witch Hat were taken for my nail polish biz (that's why you see so many hands!) by the same name, Insta Witch Nail Polish .   Getting back to crochet now, I really did enjoy making this hat! I am going to also wear it on Halloween :) I wanted to size it all out for smaller sizes, but alas... life gets in the way and I know I'm not going to have time.  Time (sigh) I wish I had more of it.  I hope you enjoy the pattern! Designed by Farrah Hodgson Materials:  1 ball worsted weig...